Monday 5 January 2009

So here we all are....

for some its a new year, for some still the old one, and for someof us we're a few months in already.... but does it really matter..... i spent the evning of Dec 31 babysitting, which was possibly more rewarding than the usual (which for me involves a few dvds, a hoover and the Scout Hut.... don't ask...) but I spent some time on a sofa reflecting on activities that we just don't seem to do anymore.. now, I'm aware that we live in a less enlightened time than was true when i was a scout, but some of these things should not have fallen by the wayside..... I remember with affection the old Scout Mystery Tour that some experienced.. it involved being bundled into the back of a van, and taken somewhere two days walk away.. the victims were then given maps, told to locate themselves, and then plot a route back to the Scout Hut, stopping over at some pre arranged site.... lots of fun.. and I remember way back when Patrol Camps involved biking to Matlock or Great Yarmouth, or other such places, and approaching farmers etc for accomodation.. its amazing how often we weren't turned away..... now i can see why some would be worried about that today, but to be honest, a bunch of six outdoorsy type lads with a bit of savvy (and lets be honest, if they didn't have that, they wouldn't have bben allowed to go...) probably have little to fear.. with the mobile telephone revolution, possibly less so than we did..... and Patrols actully acting as "gangs," but in a nice way, at weekends.... but that's by the by.. the past is the past.... but the one that i was really thinking of was the New Year sleepover or Xmas camp (and if anyone objects to the abbreviation.. if its good enough for the Pope and the Easter Annals, its good enough for me...) .... now I remember once, back in the long ago, going camping on Christmas eve, having a bit of a party, going to bed, getting up, opening a present, then being taken home in time for Christmas dinner.... and what a fantastic christmas that was.... and as a leader long ago, i organised a sleepover on new years eve.... now, how many of you, if you're honest with yourselves, found NYE to be just like a saturday night but with more people, fewer taxis and less money at the ned of it.. cos I'm betting its quite a few.... well, next year, try this.... invite the Scouts, cubs, Explorers, whoever to your HQ if possible, or a hut on a campsite if not, and see the new year in with them... once you explain to the parents that of course little bruv or big sis can come too (think of it as PR and recruitment) and that its only going to cost maybe a fiver or a tenner at most, you'll find that it becomes your best attended sleepover yet... think of the saving they'll make on babysitters.. and think of thsoe poor people who otherwise would be stuck at home.... its a public service, and lets be honest, its got to be better than watching yet another nodding aquaintance throw up in a gutter.... and if thats not enough, you'll probably turn a bit of a profit.... New Year with the people who matter.... it might be the tonic you all need... so until next time, Keep Scouting!!