Saturday 19 July 2008

Preparing for Poacher.... apparently...

hardboard... paint.. monkeys.... all will become clear.... keep Scouting...

Thursday 17 July 2008

The Conscription Man Cometh....

I was approached the other day by a man who believed in the power of Scouting; especially that if everyone in the world had the benefit of a Scouting upbringing, that the world would be a better place... nothing wrong there, you may say.. but unfortunately I was forced to argue against him.. not because I disagree with the basic premise, you understand... but rather that disagreed with his chosen method... for he was of the opinion ( and thoroughly entitled to it of course!) thatScouting and Guiding should be compulsory.. and that I do not agree with.. "Why not? " I hear you cry.. or possibly not... well, firstly, we already have a compulsory youth program for all.. its called school... and look what happens there... secondly, because I believe that scoutings greatest strength lies in its voluntary nature... I think we tend to forget that most of the young people in our care are volunteers too... and what volunteers! It for similar reasons that disagreed with his other design, that Scout Leaders should be paid ( rapidly dodges flung fruit..) basically, Scouting works because the majority of our members join because they want to.. whether they've seen the advert, become jealous of the fun a friend has, or been introduced by a parent, they go because they enjoy it... and as the evidence of school football shows, the minute an activity becomes mandatory it ceases to be fun, becomes an imposure, and becomes resented... Scouting is often a refuge for those who do not enjoy school... a safe (ish!) refuge where they can associate with their peers and with adults they can trust in a way they may not trust their teachers.. sorry teachers.. making scouting compulsory would get rid of that... and who then would guide these people?? Some people enjoy what Scouting has to offer, some do not... just as I fail to enjoy playing electronic games, so I can undrstand someone failing to enjoy pioneering... diffrent folks, diffrent strokes, as Willis would have said... would it be fair to force Scouting on them?? And as for paid leaders.. I know some parents think we get the same rates as youth workers, but to the best of my knowledge most of us would be better off financially without scouting in our crowded lives.... but paying again disrupts our entire voluntary ethos.... we're good at this job simply because we don't get paid... for most of us, if my local leadesr are anything to go by, Scouting isn't what we do, its what we are.... by offering payment, we would soon be inundated by applicants who have no knowledge or love of scouting, and would be in it just for the dosh.. a bit like professional sport at its worst.... and then we would all lose out... but I digress... suffice it to say, Scouting for me is the best way of life possible.. and if everyone was a scout, the world would be a better place.. but forcing people in is not the answer.. rather we should carry on as we are.. by showing everyone the immense benefits Scouting offers, and letting them persuade themselves to join in.... and we will always have to accept that there will be those out there who for whatever reason, will be beyond our reach... and (thankfully!) that's about it for today...except to say this... enjoy your Scouting, be prepared, and see you on camp!!