Wednesday 29 October 2008

back home.. and so on..

so, after a sojourn, brief though it was, in Wales (plus day trip to Ireland..) the GSL from... well.. here...... is back, and raring to go... the Group somehow managed to survive without me ( a humbling thought...) but while on the ferry across to Ireland an interesting conversation with members of the entertainment staff led me to reflect once more on a subject broached a few times recently... the subject of thank yous... personally, I think that as people and a s a group, and even as an association, we don't say it enough... who hasn't received a donation from some well wishing business, only to cash the cheque and send a receipt... but no "thank you letter..." how often do we receive good service in a shop and just accept it... one of my old managers ( big up to Martin Evans) once said to me, "the customer will never remember the 99 times you got it right.. and will never forget the one time you got it wrong..." and yet another said... "if you get good service, you tell a friend.. if you get bad, you tell everyone..." and I think this sums it all up... we are very quick to complain.. we should be as quick to thank... for example, we recently received some money towards new lamps.. the businesses concerned will shortly be receiving certificates too hanfg on their walls... these have cost us a couple of sheets of paper, and some printer ink (which is more exensive than champagne.. but more of that later..) but the benefits to all are unimaginable... not only that, but how often do we thank our fellow leaders, scouts, cubs, beavers, explorers, YLs, Networkers, Fellowship, Commissioners, parents and committee members... we do have the Thanks Badge still.. but how many are actually presented.... I've even spoken to GSLs who weren't aware that such a thing existed.... but we don't thank enough.. so if you do nothing else this week, thank someone you wouldn't normaly thank.. it'll do you good.. until next time, take care, and keep Scouting...